One Stitch Facelift Gallery
One Stitch Facelift Gallery
Back To GalleriesOne Stitch Facelift Patient 01

One Stitch Facelift Patient 02

One Stitch Facelift Patient 03

The History
Actress in her 30’s competing for parts with 20 something years old, wishing a refreshed look.The Goal
Natural and minimal improvementOne Stitch Facelift Patient 04

The History
Forty something years old looking to refresh her featuresThe Goal:
Minimal down time,maximal result, very naturalThe Procedure:
One stitch facelift, less then a week after surgeryOne Stitch Facelift Patient 05

The History:
Mid thirty model looking to appear less tiredThe Goal:
Refreshing her lookThe Procedure:
One stitch lift less than a week after surgery. Note more almond shape eyes, improved nasolabial fold and jowls.One Stitch Facelift Patient 06

The history
A patient in her fifties who needs a more aggressive procedure but she did not have the down timeThe goal
Minimally invasive , no downtime procedureThe procedure
Modified one stitch faceliftOne Stitch Facelift Patient 07

One Stitch Facelift Patient 08